2025 Options & Accessories
Available for Luxury & Value Series
Your H2O hot tub comes with all the essentials you need to enjoy it from the moment it arrives.
The options below are extras. Those special touches help you manage and monitor your hot tub in a simple and enjoyable way.
Ozonators are plumbed into your hot tub, adding ozone into the water to improve quality, reduce the amount of sanitizer needed. Eco-friendly, pH neutral.
Already included in all Luxury Version H2O Hot Tubs:-
Canyon, Niagara, Banff, Radium, Tofino and Comox.
A New way to Sanitize!
IONIZER use minerals to maintain your water, and are more efficient and effective than Ozonators and Salt systems.
The Ionizer inserts a core of the purest zinc, silver and copper into your plumbing. Microscopic mineral ions are deposited from this, into your water, directly assisting control of bacterial, viruses and algae. The ions are stable in your water, acting as a constant anti-microbial.
You then add and maintain a very minimal amount of sanitizer, for beautifully clear and crystal clean spa water, year round.
Ionizers are gentle on spa equipment, pumps and plumbing.
An ionizer is plumbed into your tub and contains a mineral core that you change every 2 to 3 years.
Aftermarket app-based modules can be added to your new H2O hot tub
The Ultimate Mobile Remote Control for Your Hot Tub!
A streamlined app for IOS or Android, enables you to manage and control your hot tub from any phone or tablet, anywhere in the world - with instant notifications on your hot tub's status.
in.touch 2 is an aftermarket module that can be installed at anytime to any hot tub with a Gecko spa pack inside.
The new in.touch 3+ adds 2 great new features:
1. The Gecko Waterlab - continuously monitors your water and sends simple, easy to follow instructions for correcting and maintaining your water, balanced and clear.
2. Auto Updater - The magic of technology development happens elsewhere - and sends updates directly to you.
Sanitation made Simple! Monitor and correct from a single app.
in.touch 3+ is added into your hot tub plumbing. Requires professional installation.